dissabte, 31 de març del 2012

Sputnik sweethearth de Murakami

Sputnik Sweetheart
Autor: Haruki Murakami
Any: 1999
Editorial: Vintage Books
Pàgines: 229
Traducció: Philip Gabriel

Fa poc van fer un 30 minuts sobre les relacions sexuals a Japó. En la pàgina 85 tenim aquest paràgraf:
"I haven't sleep with my husband for almost a year," she revealed to me as she lay in my arms. "You're the only one. "

Sobre doppelgänger http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppelg%C3%A4nger:
"Document 2: This one concerns the strange experiences Miu had 14 years ago. She was stuck inside a Ferris wheel overnight in an amusement park in a small Swiss town, and looking trhough binoculars at her own room she saw a second self ther. A doppelgänger. And this experience destroyed Miu as a person -or at least made this destruction tangible". pàg. 180

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